
Sunday, August 24 2008 Morning Worship

Betty Jeffries opened this morning’s service with a reading from Psalm 42, followed by a prayer that reflected on the passage.

This morning, Minister of Praise and Worship, Johann Kim, led the congregation in a set of song that focused on God, His Son, and our deep desire to worship Him.

  • As the Deer
  • Merciful God
  • I Will Glory in My Redeemer
  • Resurrection Hymn

After a time of welcome, Kim made everyone honorary choir members for today’s choir special, “Lamb of God.” Mickie Bainter assisted.

Pastor Michael Snearly, recently returning from a week in San Fransisco and Oakland, California, introduced a new element to the Pastoral Prayer time by inviting everyone to stand and hold hands while he led in the prayer.

After a reading of Matthew 11:25-30 by Earl Claypool, the congregation sang Hymn 303, “Just as I am.” This was followed by special guest, Michelle Lee, presenting an instrumental version of “How Great Thou Art.” This particular piece is arranged by E. A. Edgreen and M. W. Johann Kim. Lee played the flute and was accompanied by Hannah Kim.

Snearly brought a message titled, “Love and Marriage,” based on Genesis 2:18-25. Although the bad jokes were bad, the focus on God creating Adam and Eve on the sixth day, and what happened with them before the fall, was well received. An audio file of the sermon is available on request. Please send an email to info@vinestreetbaptist.org.

The morning service concluded with Hymn 412 – “My Faith Has Found a Resting Place” and announcements.