Sunday, August 2 2008 Morning Worship
Today’s service opened with Deacon Joe Gross reading Psalm 108, then leading the congregation in prayer. Minister of Worship, Johann Kim, lead the gathered body through songs that reiterated the message of Psalm – praising God. Songs included
- Be Exalted O God
- Resurrection Hymn
- Pure in Heart, O God
- I Lift My Hand
After a time of welcoming guests and greeting one another, the choir presented “Breath on Me” from the Baptist Hymnal, and the congregation joined on the last verse. After a time of prayer, Mickie Bainter read John 6:1-15, which was set to music composed by our own Johann Kim. Just prior to a time of offering tithes, the congregation sang Satisfied with Jesus. Daniel Shouse gave a rousing rendition of How Great Thou Art while the collection plates were passed.
While it might be common sense that you should wet your hair, lather and (sometimes) repeat in order to have clean hair, shampoo bottles have these instructions. Guest preacher, Jonathan Berry, brought today’s message from Psalm 32 — Follow Direction. It should be obvious that we should confess and be obedient, but just in case it’s not, God included these instructions in scripture. We hope to be able to post a link to the audio soon. In the mean time, if you would like a copy, please send an email to and a CD can be mailed to you.
After the invitation song, The Solid Rock, was sung, the congregation sang Happy Birthday to April Waters, who is celebrating on this very day.