
September 18, 2011 AM Worship

Today’s service at Vine Street Baptist Church started with Deaconess Betty Jeffries reading Psalm 86:1-13 and an opening prayer.  Guest music leader, Blake McKinney lead the gathered in some opening songs that spoke to God’s love in our lives:

  • How Deep the Father’s Love
  • Be Still My Soul
  • Amazing Grace
  • The Power of the Cross

Before a time of Fellowship and greeting one another, Pastor Ben Dockery acknowledged that this Sunday concludes Blake McKinney’s filling in for Dr. Johann Kim, who has been away for the past several weeks. The gathered thanked McKinney with a cheerful round of applause.

Dockery brought to the congregation’s attention the following announcements:

  • Today’s sermon topic on James 2:1-4
  • Guest preacher Josh Turner tonight
  • Shape Note Meeting this afternoon at 2:30
  • Pal-O-Mine luncheon on Wednesday
  • Men’s Prayer Breakfast on Saturday
  • Block Party the following Friday
  • Health concerns of members and friends of Vine Street Baptist

After a pastoral prayer, McKinney read Isaiah 6:1-3 as an introduction to the song “Holy, Holy, Holy.” Deacon Gary Cook prayed over the offering, then Blake and Jennifer McKinney sang “Desert Song” by Brooke Fraser as the offering was collected.

Ben Dockery presented a message titled “True Obedience” and was taken from James 2:1-4

God does not want you to show favoritism.  James writes to the brothers and sisters, which included all peoples in the context of faith.

  • God of the universe does not show favoritism.
  • God chose the poor to the rich in faith and an eternal inheritance.
  • To show favoritism is to be a law breaker.

The full audio can be heard by clicking on the link below, or right-click and select Safe As to save the file to your computer.

September 18, 2011 AM James 2:1-4 . True Obedience (Ben Dockery)

The service concluded with “Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus” sung by the gathered and a benediction read by Dockery.