
September 11, 2011 AM Worship

Members and guests of Vine Street Baptist Church were greeted today with a new bulletin, but their focus remained on worshiping God through songs, hymns and the preaching of His word.The service opened with a reading of Psalm 25:1-13 by Deaconess Betty Jeffries. She prayed that the Lord would grant the gathered to know His presence during the service. Guest Music Leader, Blake McKinney lead the congregation in songs of worship.

  • Great is Thy Faithfulness
  • Be Thou My Vision
  • You Are My King (Amazing Love)
  • In Christ Alone

Pastor Ben Dockery welcomed everyone to the service and introduced today’s preacher and his family. After some time of fellowship, Dockery continued the service with some announcements

  • Today’s sermon is about adoption and is from James 1:26-27.
  • A business meeting is scheduled for tonight after the evening worship service.
  • Shape Note Singing is next Sunday afternoon, from 2:30p to 4:30p in the Fellowship Hall.
  • Men’s Prayer Breakfast is September 24th.
  • Vine Street Baptist is hosting a Block Party on September 30th. Volunteers are needed.
  • Dr. Johann Kim sends greetings from his travels.
  • Prayer heath concerns
Prior to having the pastoral time of prayer, Dockery spoke about the anniversary of the events of 9/11/2001. A video from the North American Mission Board was shown to let the members know of some of the work, including the work of the Kentucky Baptist Disaster Relief Team, did in the months and weeks after that day, as well as what is being done now through the Board. Click hereto view the video.One of Dr. Stinson’s sons read from Galations 4:1-7, then the gathered sang “It is Well With My Soul,” a song that McKinney commented expresses God’s strong love for His children and is fitting for a remembrance of the 9/11 events. Wrapping up the worship portion of the service, Jennifer McKinney sang “I Have to Believe,” by Rita Springer, while the offering was collected.Today’s guest preacher is Dr. Randy Stinson. Stinson grew up near Tampa Bay, Florida and graduated from the University of South Florida with a B. A. He went on to get an M.Div from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary before continuing his education at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for his Th.M and Ph.D. During his educational training, he was a local pastor and served as the Executive Director of The Council of Bibilical Manhood and Womanhood and is currently the Dean of the School of Church Ministriesat Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.  Along the way, he has written several books while he and his wife, Danna, raise their 7 children.  The Stinson family live in Louisville, KY and are members of Highview Baptist Church.Stinson’s opened his message from James 1:26-27 by saying that getting to do something for someone who can’t repay you is an ultimate example of the Gospel.

The full audio can be heard by clicking on the link below, or right-click and select Save As to save the file to your computer.

September 11, 2011 AM Adoption and Orphans – James 1:26-27 (Dr. Randy Stinson)
The service ended with the congregation singing “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” and a benediction reading by Dockery.