November 8, 2009 AM Service

Today’s service started off with the reading of Psalm 46 by Deacon Donnie Aebersold, who followed with a word of prayer. Minister of Worship and Praise, Johann Kim, told the gathered that Martin Luther used the recently read Psalm as a basis for a hymn, and reminded everyone that scripture is not always about “happy living,” but scripture is about following God always. With that, Kim asked the congregation to stand and sing the following songs together:

  • A Mighty Fortress is Our God

  • Come, Thou Almighty King

  • What If It Were Today

After a time of welcome and greeting one another, Kim wanted everyone to mightily, and with much gusto, sign together “Brethren, We Have Met to Worship” as a prelude to the study of scripture and the participation in the Lord Supper.

Immediately prior to the Pastoral Prayer, Interim Pastor Ben Dockery reviewed the previous several weeks of sermons, then provided a bit of an introduction to today’s sermon. Following Dockery’s prayer, which included praise for the way Kim’s doctoral thesis is already growing and making an impact in the Kingdom, Janice Humpich read John 10:22-39. Following this, the gathered sang “I’d Rather Have Jesus.”

Today’s sermon, Remembrance and the Lord’s Supper from Mark 14:1-26, discussed the anointing of Jesus’ feet with perfume and the significance of that act of worship, and led us to seeing how Jesus experienced the Passover Meal. Dockery walked the listeners through these symbolic actions, and set up for a time of Communion, which was held after a time of response with the singing of “Soldiers of Christ, in Truth Arrayed.”

(Due to a technical issue, the first 10 minutes of today’s sermon was not recorded. You may listen to the balance of the sermon by clicking here.)

Announcements were given by Michele Cull, and this morning’s time together ended with Dockery reading a passage from Job.