November 22, 2009 AM Worship

Today’s service opened with the reading of Psalm 56 and a prayer, both led by Deacon Donnie Aebersold.  Minister of Worship and Praise, Johann Kim, led the gathered in an opening set of songs:

  • As the Deer
  • Be Exalted O God
  • The Wonderful Cross
  • What Wondrous Love is This

Just after a time of welcoming each other, Kim paid special recognition to Bob Meek.  Meek provided the role of Narrator at Kim’s recent Doctoral Dissertation. After Kim gave Meek a copy of DVD recording of the program, he led the choir ensemble in “Come, Ye, Sinners, Poor and Needy” and asked the congregation to join on the last stanza.

Interim Pastor Ben Dockery reviewed the previous week’s sermon, then had a word of prayer.  Meek returned to the pulpit and read Luke 18:1-14, then those gathered together sang “Tell It to Jesus,” then the offering was prayed for and collected.

Dockery took the opportunity to expand on a subtext from last week’s sermon in Mark and delivered a sermon based around 1 Thessalonians 5:12-22, titled “Thankfulness is the Will of God.”  Click here to listen to the sermon.

After Dockery concluded the message, Kim led the congregation through a time of reflection and response while everyone sang “And Can it Be.”   Mickie Bainter presented a few announcements then Dockery concluded the time with a benedictory reading of Psalm 136.  This benediction doubled as the prayer for the Thanksgiving Meal, which took place after the service.