May 29, 2016 Morning Worship
While a long weekend took many regulars out of town, a nice group of members and guests came together for study, fellowship, singing and worship.
The service opened with Deacon Wally Jeffries reading Psalm 7:6-9 and saying a prayer. Worship Leader Jacob Hatcher welcomed everyone and invited them to stand and sing the following songs:
- Peace Like a River
- Nothing But the Blood
After a time of fellowship, Deacon Mickie Bainter presented a few announcements.
- Today’s message will be from Jacob Hatcher.
- No activities tonight because of the holiday weekend.
- 2016 Church Camp!  Volunteers called for prayer.
- Miles of Pennies collection for Sunrise Children’s Home continues.
- Prayer concerns.
After a prayer Boyce Bible College student Doug Hanna read Romans 8:33-39, then Worship Leader Jaime Hatcher continued the service by leading some songs:
- Take My Life and Let It Be Consecrated
- Where He LeadsÂ
Deacon Joe Gross said a prayer, then Jaime played the piano while the the offering was collected.
Jacob Hatcher delivered today’s message.  This is the next message in the series on the book of Malachi. The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As†to save the file to your computer.  Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.
Date | Reference | Title | Speaker |
May 29, 2016 AM | Malachi 1:6-2:9 | Â Protecting the Word | Jacob Hatcher |
After the sermon, the congregation sang the first stanza of Where He Leads, then a closing benediction was read.