May 23, 2010 AM Morning Worship
Members of Vine Street Baptist Church gathered quietly in the Worship Center to prepare for service today. Deacon Donnie Aebersold began the service by reading Psalm 104:1-15 and saying a prayer. Minister of Worship and Praise Johann Kim reviewed the scripture passage and related it to Pentecost Sunday, then lead the gathered in the following songs:
- Breathe on Me
- Pentecostal Power
- Shine Jesus Shine
- O Church Arise
After a time of welcome, Kim and the choir ensemble sang Built on the Rock, from the Baptist Hymnal, and the congregation joined on a reprise of the first stanza. Next, Pastor Ben Dockery introduced today’s sermon just before leading the gathered in a time of pastoral prayer.
Noah Bates read John 15:1-16, then everyone sang Jesus Loves Me. While the tithes and offerings were collected, a special arrangement of Jesus Loves Me was presented by two excellent pianist: Mia Kim and Joy Kim. The latter Kim is Johann Kim’s mother, and was visiting Louisville in honor of the recent graduations in the Kim family.
Ben Dockery preached from II and III John. You can listen to the sermon by clicking on the player, or right-click on the link and save the file to your computer.
May 23, 2010 AM (Ben Dockery)
The service concluded with announcements and a benediction.