
March 3, 2013 AM Worship

While a light snow fell overnight, it did not discourage members and guests from attending Sunday School and morning Worship at Vine Street Baptist Church.

The service began with a reading of Psalm 95:6-11 by Deacon Betty Jeffries. After she prayed for the service, Worship Pastor Chris Wells led the gathered in song.

  • Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
  • How Great Thou Art

After a time of welcome and fellowship, Associate Pastor Chris Moss presented a few announcements, then lead a pastoral prayer.

As the service continued, Pastor Ben Dockery and Deacon Wally Jeffries had a special time of sending members Corey and Jennie Duncan to a new ministry opportunity. Corey served as an Associate Pastor for several semesters while he attended Southern Seminary. He worked with the Youth department and coordinated a few church-wide events. He has accepted a staff position at a Baptist church in Utah. The Duncans and their three children will be missed.

Moss lead the congregation in a responsive reading from the Baptist Hymnal, #695, then more songs were sung.

  • Before the Throne of God Above
  • Jesus Paid it All

Deacon Joe Gross said an offertory prayer. During the offering, Wells sang He is Jesus.

Associate Pastor Phillip Bethancourt brought the next  message in the sermon series “Colossians: Him We Proclaim.” The full audio can be heard by clicking on a date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer.  Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.

March 3, 2013 AM Colossians 2:6-15 Onward Christian Soldiers: The March, the Mark and the Making of Gospel Warriors Phillip Bethancourt

A time of response and reflect was held while everyone sang Jesus Paid it All. Pastor Ben closed the service with a benediction reading.