March 28, 2010 PM Worship (Ordination Service)
About 20 members and guests gathered at Vine Street Baptist Church for a special time together.
Through the wonders of modern technology, people who could not travel to Jackson, TN to witness firsthand the Ordination Service for Benjamin Dockery were able to view it on the church’s big screen.
The service included scripture readings, songs and prayers from leadership at Englewood Baptist Church.  Ben chose some of the songs for the service, and members of Vine Street Baptist Church were pleasantly surprised when a friend of Vine Street Baptist, Hal Poe, ended up being one of the readers.  Ben’s father, Dr. David Dockery, gave a challenging sermon to Ben and Julie just before they were called to the platform for a time of laying on of hands.
As mentioned in the service in Jackson, an ordination service does not make Ben any more special than any other child of God. This time of special recognition shows Ben and Julie’s commitment to telling all they come in contact with more about Jesus.