June 5, 2016 Morning Worship
A new week starts with lots of sunshine, and members & guests of Vine Street Baptist gathered to learn and worship together.
The service began with Deacon Donnie Aebersold reading Psalm 8 and saying a prayer. Worship Leaders Jacob and Jaime Hatcher led the congregation in singing familiar hymns:
- Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
- Blessed Assurance
After a time of welcome and fellowship, Associate Pastor Brandon Saunders gave a few announcements:
- Today – Guest preacher Spencer Harmon will preach on Malachi 2:10-16
- Tonight – Souper Sunday, cooked by Michele Cull
- Church Camp (formerly VBS) – volunteers needed.
- Pastoral concerns
After a pastoral prayer, Justin Francis read 1 Corinthians 1:18-25, then everyone continued singing together.
- I Need the Every Hour
- How Great is Our God
Deacon Gary Cook prayed for the offering, and then the Hatchers played the guitar and piano softly while it was collected. Before hearing today’s message, Deacon and Pastoral Search Committee Chairperson Chandler Bainter introduced today’s preacher, Spencer Harmon. Â Originally from Middleton, OH and a graduate of Boyce Bible College, Harmon is now on staff at Boyce and is an MDiv-CM student at Southern Seminary. Â He and his wife, Taylor, have a daughter and another baby on the way. Â The full text of Bainter’s introduction can be read by clicking this link.
Harmons’s message is the next in the series on the book of Malachi. The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As†to save the file to your computer.  Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.
Date | Reference | Title | Speaker |
June 5, 2016 AM | Malachi 2:10-16 | Everything Matters Because God Matters | Spencer Harmon |
After the sermon, the congregation sang part of How Great is Our God during a time of reflection and response.  Before the benediction, Bainter returned to the pulpit to announce a church-wide morning business meeting, in accordance with the church’s current bylaws, to vote and discuss bringing Harmon on staff. After the announcement, Saunders read a closing scripture reading.