June 19, 2016 Morning Worship
Fathers’ Day 2016 brought many families to Vine Street Baptist Church all eager to learn from the Bible and to worship God, the ultimate Father.
The service opened with Deacon Donnie Aebersold reading Psalm 10:12-18 and saying a prayer. Guest Worship Leaders Kristopher and Emily Burns lead the gathered in singing some familiar songs with somewhat new music, which everyone enjoyed:
- All Hail the Power of Jesus Name
- Crown Him With Many Crowns
Associate Pastor Brandon Saunders greeted the congregation and thanked the Burns’ for filling in while the Hatcher’s are preparing for the arrival of their second son.  Saunders recognized the fathers in attendance today, and two young volunteers passed out chocolate bars that said “Million Dollar Dad” on them.
A time of fellowship was held, giving opportunity to meet new faces, and offer hand shakes and hugs. Saunders then gave a few announcements about actives of the church today and this week, then said a pastoral prayer. Church member Nathan Bates read Philippians 4:10-20, then the Burns’ led a few more songs:
- Come Thou Fount
- Jesus Paid it All
Deacon Gary Cook said a prayer for the offering, then the deacons passed the plates while Kristopher played his guitar quietly in the background.
Today’s message is the next in the series on the book of Malachi. The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As†to save the file to your computer.  Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.
Date | Reference | Title | Speaker |
June 19, 2016 AM | Malachi 3:6-15 | Not Your Typical Sermon on Tithing | Brandon Saunders |
After the sermon, the congregation sang Jesus Paid it All, then Saunders read a benediction.