January 28, 2018 Morning Worship

Early morning fog burned away to reveal warm sunshine for a glorious day of celebration.

Vine Street Baptist Church’s morning worship service began with the baptism of Haley Perkey.  Haley started attending church here several months ago after meeting a group of Christians in her area.  She accepted Christ as her Savior recently and wanted to proclaim her new life in believer’s baptism. She gave her testimony, then Senior Pastor baptized her into new life. Many family and friends were attending, and they joined the members in applauding Haley’s act of obedience.

After the baptism, Associate Pastor of Worship, Jacob Hatcher, encouraged the gathered to stand and sing The Solid Rock together while Jaime Hatcher and Nolan Hodge accompanied.

A time of fellowship was had, where visitors and guests were welcomed by members and regular attenders.  Associate Pastor of Youth, Justin Francis, brought the fellowship time to a close and gave some announcements. The service continued with Mickie Bainter singing a special song, Not Guilty.

Jaime and Jacob led everyone in more congregational singing.

  • In Christ Alone
  • Before the Throne of God

Spencer came to the platform to read today’s sermon scripture, then gave the message. The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer.  Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.

Date Reference Title Speaker
January 28, 2018 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10 What’s So Great About Salvation? Spencer Harmon

After the sermon everyone stood and sang Hallelujah What A Savior during a time of reflection.

Justin closed the service with an invitation for anyone to speak to a pastor after the service about church membership, becoming a Christian, or to discuss today’s sermon. He read a closing scripture and then dismissed the group.