January 24, 2010 AM Worship
Today’s cloudy, rainy weather outside did not darken the hearts of those who gathered today at Vine Street Baptist Church. Deacon Wally Jeffries opened the service with a reading of Psalm 75, followed by a prayer. Minister of Worship and Praise, Johann Kim, led the congregation in songs that have the same theme of the recently read Psalm
- Crown Him with Many Crowns
- Praise the Father
- Worthy the Lamb that was Slain
- Give Thanks
After a time of welcome, the choir ensemble sang the first three stanzas of “Face to Face With Christ My Savior,” during which the gathered joined them on the last stanza. By way of introducing today’s message, Interim Pastor Ben Dockery made light that on the topic of the “Gospel and Marriage,” his wife decided to not come to church today. (In reality, she was not feeling well today and stayed home solely for that reason.) After Dockery said a prayer, Diane Blair read John 6:22-40, and then the congregation sang “Jesus at Your Holy Table.” During the time of giving, Wally Jeffries returned to the platform and ‘trumpeted’ the song “Amazing Grace,” which pianist Mia Kim accompanied.
Dockery’s message today continues on the “Back to Basics” series. In the first of two messages on the topic of Marriage, Dockery spoke about how Ephesians 5:21-22 is an often used passage. Dockery spoke how the verse, and the institution of marriage, has been distorted over the years. By reading the entire passage, including verses before and after the focal point, as well as other verses in the Bible, one can get a truer idea of God’s intention for marriage and companionship.
In conclusion, Dockery states the three purposes of marriage:
- Family – God created it as a good, safe place.
- Holiness – it doesn’t make each person happy, it makes them holy.
- Companionship – it reflects the Trinity.
You can listen to the entire sermon by clicking on the controller below, or download the file by right-clicking on the date.
01/24/2010 AM (Ben Dockery)
After singing “Soldiers of Christ, in Truth Arrayed,” Mickie Bainter presented several announcements. Dockery concluded the service with a benediction reading of Ephesians 5:1-2.