
January 21, 2018 Morning Worship

Today’s service began with Associate Pastor of Youth, Justin Francis, reading Psalm 139:1-18 and saying a prayer. Jacob Hatcher welcomed everyone and led Nothing But the Blood, while Jaime Hatcher played the piano and Nolan Hodge played the drum. After the song, everyone greeted one another with handshakes and hugs.

After several minutes, Senior Pastor Spencer Harmon came front to give several announcements

  • Shape Note this afternoon in the Fellowship Hall
  • Baptism of Haley Perkey next Sunday Morning, followed by a small reception
  • Statement of Faith teaching series begins in February
  • Pastoral concerns

After the pastoral prayer, ushers collected the offering while everyone sang more songs.

  • Because He Lives
  • O Church Arise
  • Take My Life and Let it Be

Mickie Bainter read today’s sermon text, then Spencer gave the message. The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer.  Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.

Date Reference Title Speaker
January 21, 2018 Genesis 1:26-28 Created in the Image of God Spencer Harmon

After the sermon everyone stood and sang Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus during a time of reflection.

Before the service closed, Spencer introduced new members Bryce and Emily Shockley.  Justin closed the service with an invitation for anyone to speak to a pastor after the service about church membership, becoming a Christian, or to discuss today’s sermon. He read a closing scripture and then dismissed the group.