February 4, 2018 Morning Worship
This Sunday morning brought together family — the family of Vine Street Baptist Church members, and several members bring their own family members as guests. All were warmly welcomed to praise the Lord together.
The service began with Pastoral Assistant Derek Minton reading Psalm 25:1-7. Associate Pastor Jacob Hatcher led the gathered in singing I’ll Fly Away.
Everyone took several minutes to greet one another in fellowship, then Derek presented a few announcements.
- Souper Sunday (with Pat’s Chili) returns to the monthly schedule starting tonight. Fellowship Hall. 6:00pm
- Hatcher’s Goodbye Potluck will be held on February 18th to send them off with a blessing.
- Statement of Faith Study begins February 18th during the evening service. All members of Vine Street are encouraged to attend this important series in the life of the church as we learn about the biblical basis for each article in the Statement. A congregational vote will happen after the series concludes.
Derek said a prayer, then the ushers collected the offering. Jacob led the congregation in singing.
- Christ, or Else I Die
- The Old Rugged Cross
- Amazing Grace
Senior Pastor Spencer Harmon read today’s sermon scripture, then delivered the message.  Due to a technical issue, the sermon was not recorded this week.  Click on the scripture reference to read the scripture.
Date | Reference | Title | Speaker |
February 4, 2018 | Ruth 1 | Walking Through Darkness in the Hands of God | Spencer Harmon |
After the sermon, Spencer administered the Lord’s Supper to the believers, then everyone stood and sang All to Jesus, I Surrender All during a time of reflection.
Derek closed the service with an invitation for anyone to speak to a pastor after the service about church membership, becoming a Christian, or to discuss today’s sermon. He read a benediction then dismissed the group.