December 13, 2009 AM Worship
Today’s gathering opened with a reading of Psalm 80 and a prayer lead by Deacon Chandler Bainter. The Psalm and prayer focused attention on God’s people looking to Him and flourishing, looking away from and perishing, and longing to return to Him and having His light shine on His people again.
Minister of Worship and Praise, Johann Kim, reiterated the Psalm’s message of God shining His light on His people, and encouraged the gathered to sing songs to Him
- Of the Father’s Love Begotten
- Shine Jesus Shine
- Blessed Be the God of Israel
- I Will Glory in My Redeemer
After a time of welcoming each other with hugs and handshakes, the choir ensemble sang All to Thee, then Interim Pastor Ben Dockery led the congregation in a time of prayer. Betty Jeffries next read Isaiah 11:1-9, after which she lit the candle for the Third Sunday of Advent, while Gary and Cathy Cook read a shortened version of Isaiah 1:1-3. Before the offering was collected, the gathered sang “Lo How a Rose E’er Blooming.
Dockery opened today’s message by reading Luke 1:14-18. The full audio recording will be available soon.  If you are reading this before the update, please email info (at) vinestreetbaptist (dot) org and request it. (Sorry for the inconvenience.)
After hearing this first of the two part-message, the gathered sang “The Solid Rock” while a time of reflection and response was given. Michele Cull gave some announcements, then Dockery read a benediction reading from Psalm 102.