August 16, 2009 AM Worship Service

Members and visitors to Vine Street Baptist Church noticed something different — how much more light there was in the Worship Center.  During the previous week, volunteers with the House and Grounds committee took down the window screens, which allowed much more light into the room.  Adjustments to the screen images are being made.

The worship service started with a reading of Psalm 19 and a prayer from Deacon Joe Gross.  Minister of Worship and Praise, Johann Kim, lead the gathered through a series of songs that focused on why we are here:

  • Crown Him with Many Crowns
  • How Great Thou Art
  • In Christ Alone
  • Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross

Members and visitors spent some time greeting each other and hugging necks right before the choir sang Why Do I Sing About Jesus.  Interim Pastor, Ben Dockery, prayed for the congregation, then Kim introduced today’s second scripture reading: Matthew 17:1-9, a passage describing the Transfiguration.  Mickie Bainter read this passage, set to music composed by Kim.  This was immediately followed by When I look into Your Holiness, and the giving of tithes and offerings.

Today’s message by Dockery was “The Secrets of the Kingdom: Find Your Heart at Home Depot” set around the passage, Mark 3:22-4:34.  While the passage of the Parable of the Sower is familiar to many of us, Dockery converted the story’s setting to something a little more familiar to Louisvillians — I-64.  Time was also spent talking about buying lamps and putting them under the bed.

Kim led everyone through the invitation hymn, My Faith Has Found a Resting Place.