October 4, 2009 AM Service
As the crispness of Autumn begins to settle on Louisville KY, guests and members of Vine Street Baptist Church gathered for worship.
The service opened with a reading of Psalm 84 and prayer, each lead by Deacon Wally Jeffries. Johann Kim, Minister of Praise and Worship, spoke of the passage and lead the congregation through songs that express one’s desire to know Christ better, then express praise and honor to His name and power.
- Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord
- I Hear the Voice of Jesus Say
- Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven
- All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
After a time of greeting each other and welcoming guests, the choir ensemble sang Moment by Moment. Before Interim Pastor Ben Dockery lead the gathered through a time of prayer, he did a two minute summary of last week’s sermon that will tie to this weeks sermon.
Joe Gross read John 5:19-29, then everyone sang Lamb of God prior to the weekly time of giving tithes and offerings.
Today’s sermon, “Why Hearing Jesus doesn’t mean Understanding Jesus,” from Mark 9:2-50, showed that, like the disciples, we have may not fully understand what Jesus’ purpose
- We have a hard time understanding the scriptures
- We are limited in our abilities to minister
- We misunderstand the teachings of Jesus, particularly His death
- We don’t understand rank and order
- We often don’t understand sin’s consequence
Click here to listen to the audio.
A time of reflection and response, while The Solid Rock was sung, was given at the end of the service.